After dinner tonight, James started loading a game of Peggle. I informed him that I would not be interested in Peggling until we had some kind of dessert. He was amenable at first, until he saw me looking up the hours for Biscotti's. "You aren't going all the way to Biscotti's, are you?!" He informed me that what I think is a ten minute drive is really 20 minutes one way, plus 20 minutes of me gawking at desserts, and if i leave now I will be wanting to go to bed by the time I get home. I sighed and split the last slice of Carvel ice cream cake (I get the top half, he gets the bottom half), and we commenced in our Peggling adventures.
Hours later, someone commented on my buddy's wall that they have been filming Hell's Kitchen at Dinosaur BBQ today. Of course there was nothing along these lines on any Google search (I should have checked Twitter), and he persuaded me to go check it out. I was 400 feet away when James called to say that it is actually Man V. Food that has been filming all day. Not that either of us really thought Gordon Ramsay would really be in Syracuse, but it would have been cool.
"Should I still go in?"
James says I totally should, and please bring home some macaroni and cheese.
In my haste, I had taken James' cell phone instead of mine, and left my ipod charging at the computer desk. I wasn't really sure what to do with myself for 20 minutes while they prepared our food, so I made up an excuse to call James. "Hey, are you interested in a Boylan's soda?" Yeah, that was a dumb question.
He asks me a question of equal value, however. "Hey, did you get me some kind of meat too?"
"What are we, newlyweds? Would I seriously come home from Dinosaur with just a styrofoam cup of macaroni and cheeses?"
I also treated myself to a Dinosaur brownie. Total win. Even if I didn't get to share it with the most amazing British Chef ever.