Saturday, July 4, 2009


I had my first experience with online forums/ baby support groups when Jonathan was about 4 months old. He was going through a phase where he wanted to be held constantly, and I was at my wits end. My housework was piling up around me, and I was tired of listening to him cry. Desperate, I did a Google search for "can't put my baby down," hoping to find some good advice, or at least a reassurance that it was normal and would pass. What I found instead were dozens of people who had it far worse than I did. "I have to hold my child all the time, even when I go to the bathroom." "I can't even have to shower, I have to take shallow baths where I can hold him too." "I only have 10 minutes to cook dinner when my husband is home." "I haven't had deep sleep in months because the only way she will sleep is in bed with me." I couldn't believe the responses and "support" these people received. "Don't worry, before you know it she will be crawling and content to be on her own, just get through these next 5 months..." I can't believe how many people just took for granted that 6 months of velcro-baby was the norm. I'm sorry, but the last thing I want to do is have a baby on me knee in the bathroom (well, every time that is. No comment on occasional occurances). I think I would go crazy.
From that moment, yahoo answers has been my go-to place for perspective. When I was pulling my hair out with sleep problems in my 2 year old, I read about little ones that scream the first hour they are awake. When I distraught with temper tantrums, I couldn't wait to read other people's troubles. Any frustration my child has is just a google search away from looking like a blessing.

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